
Second Age vs Third Age

Adapted this image from 2 Dabel Brothers pictures.
Lews Therin on left, Rand on right.
Forsaken behind both; their Second Age version on left, their Third Age version on right. Both parts seem to mirror each other.

Identities of the Forsaken::
near center at front, Ishamael; directly behind Ishamael, Sammael; beside Ishamael, Graendal; directly behind Graendal, Balthamel; beside Semirhage, Mesaana; directly behind Mesaana, Belal; beside Mesaana, Demandred; beside Aginor, Lanfear; between Mesaana/Demandred & Belal/Lanfear, Asmodean; beside Demandred, Semirhage; beside Asmodean, Rahvin; beside Lanfear, Aginor; between Rahvin & Aginor to the side, Moghedien.