
Sims 2 similar lots; base game

sets of similar premade houses in Sims2 base game.  in all pictures, "floor 1" in bottom row and successive floor/floors above it.  lot names told in the captions.  left name for picture's left column; right name for picture's right column; middle name for picture's middle column.
30 Lakeside Drive, 50 Middle Lane, 190 Main Street 
35 Woodland Drive, 40 Woodland Drive

51 Road to Nowhere, 57 Road to Nowhere

7 Chorus Court, 54 Via Veronaville

20 Via Veronaville,  30 Poet Place, 46 Bard Boulevard
26 Via Veronaville, 35 Bard Boulevard

28 Bard Boulevard, 100 Via Veronaville

40 Via Veronaville, 50 Poet Place, 84 Via Veronaville


Sims2 zodiac sign compatibility

Top picture shows the compatibility in groups.
-Like circle; both signs are attracted to the other.
-Dislike circle; both signs are repelled by the other.
-Neutral circle; both signs are neither attracted to or repelled by the other.
-LD, LN, DN circles; non-reciprocal relationships.
--L; one sign is attracted to the other.
--D; one sign is repelled by the other.
--N; one sign is neither attracted to or repelled by the other.

Middle picture shows the compatibility by sign.
-green, circle's sign is attracted to the other sign
-red, circle's sign is repelled by the other sign
-blue, circle's sign is neither attracted to or repelled by the other sign.

Bottom picture combines the other 2 pictures.
right side is the top picture; left side is the middle picture.


magic planet sun_moons

Views of this story's place::

What each sun and each moon looks like from planet at starting location when looking from directly under them.
One moon picture combines the other 3 moon pictures; that picture not representative of any view.

white represents any of the suns.
blue with orange dots represent each of the blue moons.
red with green dots represent each of the red moons.
yellow with purple dots represent each of the yellow moons.

magic planet suns_moons_planet

Views of this story's place::

relative positions of suns & moons to planet; starting positions.
top-bottom/side/front-back views.

circle in middle represents the planet.
big circles in corners represent 2 suns.
tiny circles near the center one represent 4 moons.

magic planet views

Views of following story's place::

white represents any equator.
blue, green, purple; is the equator that divides top & bottom.  The picture with those colors near the edge is the top & bottom views.
red, orange, purple; is the equator that divides left & right.  The picture with those colors near the edge is the left & right views.
yellow, orange, green; is the equator that divides front & back.  The picture with those colors near the edge is the front & back views.


fairy realm maps

Both pictures are maps of this story::

One picture adds the colors of the fairies.
Other picture, background is completely white.

In later picture::
-yellow dots represent the light polls
-blue dots represent the lakes
-black dots represent the living spaces of ruling & serving fairies
-black lines represent  the boundaries
-green lines represent the vines

In former picture; dark yellow replaces yellow, dark blue replaces blue, light gray replaces black, light green replaces green.  Same representation.


Some Sims2 neighborhood templates are based on these designs.

in all 3 pictures::
-black is road
-yellow & blue divide the lanes
--yellow, spiral portion
--blue, non-spiral portion
-green & purple represent open space
--purple, design used as a neighborhood template
--green, design not used

In one picture, all 4 sides of each design have either road or open space.
In another picture, 2 adjacent sides of each design have road and the other 2 sides of each design have open space.
Third picture combines the other 2 pictures.

Sims2 lot to road positions

Possible lot arrangements in Sims2.

black represents road; gray represents open space.
color in middle relates to place-ability without third party help::
-yellow:  not place-able
-red: place-able on 1 side
-blue: place-able on 2 opposite sides
-teal: place-able on 2 adjacent sides
-purple: place-able on 3 sides
-green: place-able on all 4 sides
shade of color relates to create-ability within SimCity4::
-lighter shade: create-able
-darker shade: not create-able


SimPE codes for Sims2 content

SimPE codes for content in Sims2's game-shipped version.
  • brown:    32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682
  • blue:    e43f3360-3908-4755-8b83-a0d37a6c424b
  • dark blue:    2d6839c5-0b7c-4891-9c55-4bd9cc873b0f
  • gray:    0758008c-7111-40f9-b33b-706464626ac9
  • green:    51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
  • alien (black):    12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
  • light:    00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • medium:    00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • medium dark:    00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • dark:    00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • alien (green):    6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
  • mannequin (gray):    b9a94827-7544-450c-a8f4-6f643ae89a71
  • CAS mannequin (gray):    6eea47c7-8a35-4be7-9242-dcd082f53b55
  • black:    00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • brown:    00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • blond:    00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • red:    00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • grey:    00000005-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


    Sims2 messages

    Left set of messages are from when child/younger are left on lot.  Right set of messages are from when no one is left on lot.  Entire picture adapted from pictures taken in Sims2; from when sims die.


    Second Age vs Third Age

    Adapted this image from 2 Dabel Brothers pictures.
    Lews Therin on left, Rand on right.
    Forsaken behind both; their Second Age version on left, their Third Age version on right. Both parts seem to mirror each other.

    Identities of the Forsaken::
    near center at front, Ishamael; directly behind Ishamael, Sammael; beside Ishamael, Graendal; directly behind Graendal, Balthamel; beside Semirhage, Mesaana; directly behind Mesaana, Belal; beside Mesaana, Demandred; beside Aginor, Lanfear; between Mesaana/Demandred & Belal/Lanfear, Asmodean; beside Demandred, Semirhage; beside Asmodean, Rahvin; beside Lanfear, Aginor; between Rahvin & Aginor to the side, Moghedien.


    Experiment Key

    1st row: 1 side of the lot has a road
    2nd row: 2 opposite sides of the lot have a road
    3rd row: 2 adjacent sides of the lot have a road
    4th row: 3 sides of the lot have a road
    5th row: 4 sides of the lot have a road

    1st digit: Father (Male Adult)
    2nd digit: Mother (Female Adult)
    3rd digit: Son (Male Teen)
    4th digit: Daughter (Female Teen)

    5th digit: first lot-born alien
    6th digit: first lot-born human
    7th digit: second lot-born alien
    8th digit: second lot-born human

    11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
    22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
    33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
    44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
    55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144

    22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
    44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
    11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
    55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
    33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255

    33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
    11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
    55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
    22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
    44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322

    44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
    55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
    22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
    33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
    11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433

    55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
    33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
    44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
    11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
    22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
    5th digit: Male Child
    6th digit: Female Child
    7th digit: Male Toddler
    8th digit: Female Toddler

    11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
    22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
    33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
    44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
    55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144

    22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
    55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
    11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
    33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
    44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233

    33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
    11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
    44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
    55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
    22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355

    44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
    33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
    55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
    22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
    11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422

    55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
    44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
    22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
    11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
    33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
    5th digit: Male Child
    6th digit: Female Child
    7th digit: lot-born alien
    8th digit: lot-born human

    11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
    22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
    33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
    44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
    55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555

    22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
    33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
    55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
    11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
    44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444

    33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
    55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
    44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
    22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
    11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111

    44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
    11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
    22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
    55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
    33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333

    55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
    44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
    11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
    33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
    22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
    5th didgit: lot-born alien
    6th didgit: lot-born human
    7th didgit: Male Toddler
    8th didgit: Female Toddler

    11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
    22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
    33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
    44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
    55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311

    22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
    55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
    44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
    11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
    33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422

    33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
    44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
    22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
    55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
    11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233

    44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
    11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
    55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
    33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
    22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544

    55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
    33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
    11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
    22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
    44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
    5th digit: Male Child
    6th digit: first lot-born human
    7th digit: Male Toddler
    8th digit: second lot-born human

    11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
    22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
    33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
    44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
    55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211

    22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
    33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
    44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
    55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
    11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322

    33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
    44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
    55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
    11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
    22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433

    44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
    55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
    11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
    22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
    33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544

    55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
    11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
    22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
    33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
    44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
    5th digit: first lot-born alien
    6th digit: Female Child
    7th digit: second lot-born alien
    8th digit: Female Toddler

    11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
    22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
    33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
    44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
    55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211

    22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
    44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
    55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
    33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
    11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422

    33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
    55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
    22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
    11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
    44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533

    44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
    33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
    11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
    55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
    22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344

    55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
    11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
    44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
    22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
    33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155

    Key relates to Sims2. Rules can be found in this link::
    Entry dated 04/11/2007

    also here::  http://mdbfiles.blogspot.com/2007/04/experiment-overview.html

    experiment overview

    After some time, I would be doing like an experiment. The key for it is on the bottom of this entry.
    In the link is a series of different numbers. Each number represents one household, and each didgit represents the aspiration of a certain sim.
    There are 6 sections that represent different kinds of families. Each of the 6 sections have 5 sets of 5 rows. Each 5 rows represent how the road is arranged in relation to the lot. Each set represents a different neighborhood.
    If you wish to participate, first pick 5 different aspirations (of the ones for Teen & older) and assign each an integer of 1 through 5. Then create each family and assign each member the respective aspiration.
    All sections the first 4 digits are for the same sims, the 5th through 8th digits differ in each section. Sections that have alien, the father (male adult) of the family is to get pregnant that number of times. Sections that have human, the mother (female adult) of the family is to get pregnant that number of times. Sections that have Child and/or Toddler; those you create in Create-A-Sim along with the father, mother, and son (male teen) & daughter (female teen). For Child/Toddler/alien/human, you assign the respective aspiration when they become teen.
    Here is the key that I mentioned earlier:



    Sims2 and SimCity4 spacings between roads

    Top picture, terrain in Sims2 with lots placed.
    Measurements in lot sizes::
    Top lots, horizontal: 3, 5, 3; vertical: 5
    Side lots above road, vertical: 5, 5; horizontal: 5
    Side lots below road, vertical: 4, 3; horizontal: 5
    "Inner" lots, horizontal: 4, 5; vertical: 5, 5, 4, 3
    Horizontal measurements are from left to right. Vertical measurements are from top to bottom.
    Bottom picture, terrain in SimCity4.
    Grid shows measurements.