
Sims2 zodiac sign compatibility

Top picture shows the compatibility in groups.
-Like circle; both signs are attracted to the other.
-Dislike circle; both signs are repelled by the other.
-Neutral circle; both signs are neither attracted to or repelled by the other.
-LD, LN, DN circles; non-reciprocal relationships.
--L; one sign is attracted to the other.
--D; one sign is repelled by the other.
--N; one sign is neither attracted to or repelled by the other.

Middle picture shows the compatibility by sign.
-green, circle's sign is attracted to the other sign
-red, circle's sign is repelled by the other sign
-blue, circle's sign is neither attracted to or repelled by the other sign.

Bottom picture combines the other 2 pictures.
right side is the top picture; left side is the middle picture.