
Experiment Key

1st row: 1 side of the lot has a road
2nd row: 2 opposite sides of the lot have a road
3rd row: 2 adjacent sides of the lot have a road
4th row: 3 sides of the lot have a road
5th row: 4 sides of the lot have a road

1st digit: Father (Male Adult)
2nd digit: Mother (Female Adult)
3rd digit: Son (Male Teen)
4th digit: Daughter (Female Teen)

5th digit: first lot-born alien
6th digit: first lot-born human
7th digit: second lot-born alien
8th digit: second lot-born human

11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144

22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255

33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322

44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433

55341122 33514422 44225555 11452233 22351144
33152244 11325544 55443333 22534411 44132255
44523311 55432211 22114444 33241155 11543322
11234455 22143355 33551111 44315522 55214433
22415533 44251133 11332222 55123344 33425511
5th digit: Male Child
6th digit: Female Child
7th digit: Male Toddler
8th digit: Female Toddler

11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144

22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233

33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355

44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422

55312244 44352211 22154433 11445555 33521144
44125533 33145522 55243311 22334444 11452233
22431155 55421133 11325544 33552222 44213355
11543322 22513344 33412255 44221111 55134422
33254411 11234455 44531122 55113333 22345511
5th digit: Male Child
6th digit: Female Child
7th digit: lot-born alien
8th digit: lot-born human

11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555

22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444

33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111

44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333

55124433 44152233 11534422 33251144 22445555
44231155 11243355 22451133 55342211 33114444
11352244 22315544 33142255 44513322 55221111
33415522 55431122 44325511 22134455 11553333
22543311 33524411 55213344 11425533 44332222
5th didgit: lot-born alien
6th didgit: lot-born human
7th didgit: Male Toddler
8th didgit: Female Toddler

11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311

22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422

33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233

44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544

55234411 33445555 11352244 22514433 44253311
33541122 44113333 22435511 55321144 11534422
11425533 22551111 33214455 44135522 55412233
22153344 55332222 44521133 11243355 33125544
44312255 11224444 55143322 33452211 22341155
5th digit: Male Child
6th digit: first lot-born human
7th digit: Male Toddler
8th digit: second lot-born human

11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211

22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322

33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433

44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544

55412233 11225555 22451133 33154422 44532211
11523344 22331111 33512244 44215533 55143322
22134455 33442222 44123355 55321144 11254433
33245511 44553333 55234411 11432255 22315544
44351122 55114444 11345522 22543311 33421155
5th digit: first lot-born alien
6th digit: Female Child
7th digit: second lot-born alien
8th digit: Female Toddler

11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211

22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422

33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533

44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155
11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344

55241133 11254433 44115555 22531144 33452211
11432255 22413355 33221111 44152233 55314422
44513322 33541122 11334444 55423311 22145533
22354411 44325511 55442222 33214455 11523344
33125544 55132244 22553333 11345522 44231155

Key relates to Sims2. Rules can be found in this link::
Entry dated 04/11/2007

also here::  http://mdbfiles.blogspot.com/2007/04/experiment-overview.html

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